


来吧,下雨了!在凯伦黑森州的来吧,雨,由Jon J. Muth,一个城市非洲裔美国儿童渴望下雨。她的妈妈的植物是堆积的,她是“像热马铃薯一样嘶嘶作响”,城市嘲笑热。希望在灰色的云中滚动,叙述者跑来找到她的朋友Jackie-joyce并告诉她穿上泳衣。他们跑进了胡同,他们的朋友加入他们,雨滴普照,“在我们周围粉尘跳舞。”朋友们在圈子里跳舞,张开嘴赶上雨,互相追逐街上。他们让这样的球拍大喊大叫,“来吧,下雨!”成年人折腾了他们的鞋子和袜子,并在欢乐的庆祝活动中加入他们。当云和下雨的最后延续时,一切都是“恢复生命”,他们走过家里浸透,受到欢迎的雨水抚慰。我记得跑进我的后院进入暴雨,水坑跳跃,雨滴捕捉和彩虹斑点。Hesse的书让我希望现在对暴雨,所以我可以再次跑进一下。


艾伯特Phyllis:艾伯特by Donna Jo Napoli, illustrated by Jim LaMarche, is less about a particular kind of weather and more about a man who only experiences the weather by sticking his hand out the grillwork over his window, deciding it’s too cold, too damp, too hot, or too breezy to go outside.

One day when he sticks his hand out, a cardinal drops a twig in it, then another cardinal joins in. While Albert watches, they build a nest in his hand and settle in. Albert doesn’t want to disturb the nest by twisting his hand back in through the grillwork, so he stands there, holding the nest, which soon contains eggs. Kind-hearted Albert sleeps standing up at night, breathing on the eggs to keep them warm whenever the mother leaves the nest, and scaring away a curious cat, all the while watching life go by on the street below. One morning “when Albert opened his mouth, he peeped.” The father cardinal brings him a beetle, then blackberries to eat. On the twelfth morning the eggs hatch, and within a few weeks the hatchlings fledge, eventually leaving the nest, the last with encouragement from Albert. He lets the now empty nest fall, pulls his hand back in, and realizing that he is part of the big wonderful world, whether cold or damp or hot or breezy, he heads out of his apartment. The book ends: “Now Albert walks often. And sometimes, just sometimes, when no one’s looking, he flies.” The art shows Albert soaring on a swing, a cardinal perched on his head. This is a book that invites us not only to be generous and kind to animals but also to step out into the “big wonderful world” of which we are all a part.





庇护所有时一本书触动我们,我们必须拥有它。一旦我拿走了庇护所由Celine Claire凭借Qin Leng在红气球书店的架子上阐述并通过它阅读,我知道我不能离开商店。这本书始于为即将到来的风暴准备的动物,为火灾聚集木材,脱掉螺母。随着风暴击中,动物依偎在他们的牙髓中,两个陌生人,一个大熊和一只小熊,出现在雾中寻求庇护所。他们提供茶以换取他们来的第一个燃烧的火灾,虽然艺术呈现出明亮的火焰,所以里面的动物宣称他们的火。“尝试隔壁,”他们说。隔壁饥饿的熊提供了几个饼干的贸易茶,但被告知,“我们没有食物。尝试隔壁,“即使店里堆积着橡子。狐狸隔壁转动熊,因为他们的巢穴很拥挤,虽然小狐狸在熊后奔跑并为他们提供灯笼。隔壁只是一座山,但熊觉得受到欢迎,一旦雪开始摔倒,他们知道他们会没事的。回到狐狸的巢穴中,雪的重量导致屋顶崩溃,虽然狐狸家族逃脱,但世界外面的世界很冷,黑暗和充满雪。 A light beckons, which turns out to be the lantern Little Fox gave the bears, glowing through the snow den they have built. Little Fox offers cookies for tea and the bears reply that their lantern is weakening, their den is small and crowded, and they have no food but the foxes are welcome to share the den and their tea — which they do. The last illustration shows the winter storm blustering while inside the small snow shelter, the foxes and bears sip tea and eat cookies together by lantern light. This story moved my heart, not least because it is about the generosity of strangers and about how we never know when we might be the stranger in need of aid who hopes someone will open their heart to us.




