Ten Ways to Hear Snow

Ten Ways to Hear Snow

When you grow up in Minnesota, snow is a part of your world. From playing in it until your feet are so cold and wet that your grandmother will scold while you drink hot cocoa to lifting your feet high as you trudge through knee-deep snow to a bus stop that’s farther away than it has ever been, snow is a fixture in your thoughts.
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Love is Powerful

Love is Powerful

This book will lift you up in its arms and make you believe that “Love is Powerful”! It’s the right choice to help us understand what a group of people can accomplish if they are united in their purpose and moving toward treating all people with love and kindness. Written by Heather Dean Brewer from Michigan and illustrated by LeUyen Pham from California, both of whom marched in the 2017 Women’s Marches, this book is inspired by Mari, a real little girl who traveled with her mother from Harlem to Midtown New York to march with large crowds of people who were protesting inhumane actions and policies of a president who reviled many people.
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My fascination with outer space is well-documented. I had star charts on my childhood bedroom walls. But this book would have enthralled me … in fact, it still does. The illustrations by engraver and printmaker Chris Wormell are detailed in a way that aids understanding. Scale is a tough concept for our comprehension but this book tackles that with infographics that give a sense of how enormous our universe is.
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The Range Eternal

The Range Eternal

我很高兴的再版The Range Eternal, a picture book that reaches back into history and connects with our senses, our families, our fears, and our reassurances. I have read all of Louise Erdrich’s books for adults and children. She never fails to bring me new ways of looking at the world. So it is with this book.
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You Are (Not) Small

You Should (Not) Read These Books

I remember my neighborhood friends standing on opposite sides of a driveway, angry, yelling loudly at each other. I don’t recall why, but I can still feel those emotions. That’s how strong feelings are. Our children deal with a multitude of emotions every day. You were probably remembering similar instances from your childhood. And what happened afterward? Most likely you were all friends again, because you needed to be.
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Wild Girl

Wild Girl

WOW!*!&! I want to carry a backpack with me wherever I go, handing out a copy of this book to every person I see. I loved every daredevil, detailed, astonishing minute of reading this book. I believe you will, too. Mind, I grew up at a time where I heard two phrases constantly: “Sit still” and “Ladies don’t roughhouse.” Roughhouse meant any kind of running, climbing, jumping, or playing in the dirt.…more
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The Book Rescuer

The Book Rescuer

I have hadThe Book Rescueron my desk for several months. I immediately knew I wanted to write about it because I feel such a strong attraction to this story (a true story) but I had a hard time putting into words how deeply I am moved by the actions of this book hero. The story begins this way: Kum aher. Sit down.…more
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Yasmin the Zookeeper


Once I finished reading Yasmin the Zookeeper, I was charmed. I wanted to find out more about this young Pakistani American girl who is curious about everything.
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Our collection of cookbooks is vast. Some of them are in use more than others, and some of them are in rough shape from too much use. I’m always on the lookout for good cookbooks that will encourage young people to cook and to read about cooking, just as I did with the gift of my first,Betty Crocker’s Cookbook for Boys and Girls.…more
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The Next President

The Next President

Who the next U.S.A. president will be is pre-occupying many minds around the world right now. This book takes a stance by telling us about the distinctive presidents of the past, a couple of sentences about every one of them, #1 through #45, and asks us to realize that the next ten presidents are probably alive right now.…more
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Girls Garage

Girls Garage

Don't miss adding Girls Garage by Emily Pilloton to your bookshelves. It's a terrific book specifically written to help young women gain the confidence they need to build anything they want to build. Highly recommended.
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Bedtime for Sweet Creatures

Bedtime for Sweet Creatures

Such a charming book! FromNikki Grimes, we hear the story of a young boy stalling his bedtime, all the while collecting a menagerie of imaginary creatures. This is a child who has well-practiced ploys for avoiding bedtime. His parents respond with playfulness and good humor. Mom and dad are patient but, finally, the child is too sleepy to stay awake.…more
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Equality's Call

Equality’s Call

Written byDeborah Diesenin readable-out-loud verse with a refrain that reflects the cumulative action in the preceding pages, this picture book traces the diligent efforts of those who worked fordecadesto make America’s voting rights more inclusive. There is history here for everyone to know.The illustrations add passion and understanding to the text, helping us with more information.…more
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This oversized book is unforgettable. Both the art and the text are strong testaments about animals that are "threatened with extinction: critically endangered (the most threatened), endangered, and vulnerable (the least threatened)."
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A Zaao

A Zaaois an alphabet book, a museum exhibit catalog, an introduction to the Swedish language, and a picture book illustrated by a mother's watercolors and her son's pen-and-ink drawings.
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This book is a page-turner in all of the right ways. It's an immensely readable nonfiction book that delivers memorable information. Best of all, I believe it will change hearts and minds about our relationship to animals, a necessary step in our evolution if we're engaged in saving our planet.
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A Cat's Guide to the Night Sky

A Cat’s Guide to the Night Sky

A dearly drawn cat named Felicity — honoring Félicette, a stray cat in Paris who became the first cat in space on October 18, 1963 — takes us on an exploration of stargazing. As a book on observational astronomy, it’s an exciting book for kids and adults alike. Short paragraphs cover what to wear when stargazing, where to go for maximum viewing, the classification of stars, constellations, planets, galaxies, and short-short stories behind the constellations of each season.…more
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Riding a Donkey Backwards

Riding a Donkey Backwards

The wise fool or the foolish wise man? As the authors explain, "Nasruddin is the wisest man in the village and also the biggest fool. ... If he doesn't make you laugh, he will certainly make you think—and perhaps think sideways instead of straight ahead." Mulla Nasruddin is an ancient Persian folk character, discussed in Sufi studies, familiar throughout India, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and the Middle East.
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The Night the Forest Came to Town

The Night the Forest Came to Town

A city can be all hard surfaces, concrete, brick, pavement, and glass. Adults can be preoccupied with their devices. Billboards, street lights, every kind of distraction. There's a distinct separation from nature, a disconnect.
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My Grandma and Me

My Grandma and Me

My Grandma and Me
Mina Javaherbin
illustrated by Lindsey Yankey
Candlewick Press, 2019
ISBN978−1−4263−3304−0 If you were fortunate to have one or two or three loving grandmothers, this book will touch your heart. Grandmas can be the most loving people in our long lives, teaching us about life, passing along traditions, sharing stories, helping us become wholesome adults.…more
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Trudi Trueit

资源管理器Academy: The Falcon’s Feather

资源管理器Academy: The Falcon’s Feather
Trudi Trueit
illustrated by Scott Plumbe (with a blend of photos)
National Geographic Partners, 2019
ISBN978−1−4263−3304−0 I’ve writtena prior Reading Ahead essayabout my love forThe Nebula Secret, the first book in the Explorer Academy series. Now book two,The Falcon’s Feather, continues the story and I think it’s even more exciting.…more
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Make This!

Make This!

Make This! Building, Thinking, and Tinkering Projects for the Amazing Maker in You
Ella Schwartz, photographs by Matthew Rakola
National Geographic Kids, 2019 When presented with this book, wheels start turning, ideas begin popping, and your temperature rises! This is going to be fun. And a carefully thought-through learning experience … but who needs to know that? By the book’s definition, “A maker is someone who tinkers, fixes, breaks, rebuilds, and constructs projects for the world around them.”…more
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Books Books Books

Books Books Books

Books Books Books
Mick Manning and Brita Granström
Candlewick Press, 2017 Book lovers appreciate the beauty, rarity, inventive design, and content of all types of books. Those in the vast collection of the British Library (more than 150 million literary artifacts on 15 floors and 400 miles of shelving) will help to make book lovers of the children in your life.…more
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Storm by Sam Usher


That irresistible urge to jump into a cushioned pile of waist-high leaves, sinking into the vivid colors, the smell of earth and sky, the sounds of nature embracing you? Don’t missStorm由山姆·Usher (Templar Books). The glowing reds and golds of fall jump off the cover, inviting you to open the book and settle in for an autumn story.…more
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History's Mysteries

History’s Mysteries

You pick up the brightly colored book lying on the table and open it near the middle. What’s this book about? In 1848, the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror set out to find the link between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean by sailing into the Arctic waters. The ships and the crews disappeared in the Arctic.…more
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A World of Cities

A World of Cities

A World of Cities
text by Lily Murray
illustrated by James Brown
Candlewick Studio, 2018
ISBN 978−0−7636−9879−9
Those kids in your life, your schoolroom, your library who are Fact Hunters? They collect facts to savor, share with others, and build their knowledge of the world around them. This is a book for them. Not every child can travel to the major cities of the world, but this book will leave an impression, a yearning for exploration.…more
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资源管理器Academy: The Nebula Secret

资源管理器Academy: The Nebula Secret
Trudi Truett
illustrated by Scott Plumbe (with a blend of photos)
National Geographic Partners, 2018
ISBN 978−1−4263−3159−6Done with the Harry Potter series, maybe not quite ready for the Alex Rider series, what do you suggest?资源管理器Academy. Emphatically. The book opens in Hawaii, where Cruz Coronado (not quite 13) is getting packed and saying goodbye before he heads to Washington, D.C.,…more
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There are times when I open a new book that my pulse quickens and times when I need to be convinced. Sometimes I can sense myself sliding comfortably into the surroundings of a picture book, feeling welcomed, understanding everything about the book because it is so well crafted. That’s this book. First off, this is an autobiography … so as a mentor text it is ideal. …more
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Anna and Johanna

Anna and Johanna

Anna and Johanna: a Children’s Book Inspired by Vermeer
Geraldine Elschner
illustrated by Florence Koenig
Prestel Publishing, 2018
published in French in 2016
ISBN 978−3−7913−7345−4Delft. Delft blue. The book begins
with blue and yellow. 1666. Two friends born on the same day.
This day, their birthday.
Lace and chocolate.
One the daughter of the house,
the other the daughter of the maid.…more
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Summer Reading

When I say “summer reading,” you think about … a good novel, right? I have a couple of suggestions. Every kid should have these two books tucked in their beach bags, ready for a car trip, or packed for summer camp. Seriously. In between the reading out loud of those novels you’ve been saving up all year, or the listening to an audio book on the car radio, or the flashlight reading in the pitched tent in your backyard, I hope you will share these books.…more
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What’s So Special about Shakespeare?

We celebrate William Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23rd (or thereabouts). Consider reading excerpts of this book to your classes. InWhat’s So Special about Shakespeare?, the author, Michael Rosen, walks into a house with us, peeking into rooms where Shakespeare’s plays are being enacted. Such variety! It’s an inspired way to place young readers among the people of Shakespeare’s time.…more
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The Enchanting Boggarts

Whenever anyone asks the title of my favorite book, it’s a toss-up between two:A Wrinkle in Timeby Madeleine L’Engle andThe Dark is Risingby Susan Cooper.A Wrinkle in Timebecause it opened the whole wide universe to my young mind andThe Dark is Risingbecause I understood for the first time what a perfect story could be.…more
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With My Hands

Sometimes, a book comes across my desk that sparkles like a gem, attracting my attention, insisting that I stop what I’m doing and read it. This happened when用我的双手:诗歌创作arrived last week. I thought I’d take a peek. Next thing you know, I was closing the last page of the book, sighing with contentment. And then I knew I had to read the book all over again.…more
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The Magic Misfits

The Magic Misfits

I’m one of those people that often reads a celebrity-written book because I’d like to find one that defies the odds. How about you? Did you get over the wondering at a certain point? Or do you still give a new star-powered book a try? Sadly, I don’t often find a celebrity book I can recommend. This time, though, I’m practically shouting: Read this book!…more
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The Secret Kingdom

The Secret Kingdom

这本书是不可抗拒的。各种各样的原因s. Remember when you were a kid, or maybe you do this now, how you’d take whatever was at hand and create a house, a camp, an entire setting for you to play in? Where you could act out your stories? Did you do this with found items from nature? Or things your family was throwing away?…more
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Mighty Jack and the Goblin King

Mighty Jack

We are thrust into the midst of the action, which never stops until the epilogue. This is how Ben Hatke tells a story. We don’t know what’s going on. There’s no setup. Instead, we quickly learn that Jack is climbing some vegetative matter to find the ogre who kidnapped his sister Maddy and take her home. His friend, Lilly, no sidekick, is climbing alongside him.…more
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Me, All Alone, at the End of the World

Me, All Alone, Reading This Book

Sometimes, the illustrations are wonderful but the language is captivating. You know how you read a picture book and you can’t decide which part to focus on? Should you look at the picture first? Should you read the story because it’s the thread that’s pulling you through? Well, when you read “He was a long-leggedy man with a wide, wide hat and a beard in a circle around his head.…more
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The Best Wish of All

Once in awhile I find a book on my reading pile that I’ve passed by a few times. It might be that the cover doesn’t make sense to me and I shuffle through to choose another title. Or the title might be silly (in my mind) and I don’t open the book because something else catches my interest. And then one day I open that book and I discover that I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.…more
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Kids' Book of Questions

Summer Travel

Here are three words that may be looming large in your mind: Long. Car. Trip. You’re packing games, snacks, an audio book or two, several books to take turns reading out loud, and …The Kids’ Book of Questions. I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid and we went on long car trips (nearly every weekend), I read a lot (which must have been boring for my mom), but the two of us also sang songs, talked over the week we had just explored, and, if we were heading to family, expectations for behavior.…more
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Even Superheroes Have Bad Days

Superheroes and Bad Days

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been wishing for an honest-to-goodness superhero to save the day. If adults are feeling that way, kids, who pick up all of our emotions, are wishing for the same thing. Batman and Wonder Woman led the list of most popular Halloween costumes in 2016. The proliferation of superhero movies is hard to ignore.…more
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Judge Roy Choi and the Street Food Remix

Chef Roy Choi’s Story

Every time I re-read this book, it makes me happier. I’ve grown quite fond of the books being published byReaders to Eatersand I eagerly anticipate each new book.Chef Roy Choi and the Street Food Remixis another food artisan biography fromJacqueline Briggs Martin, this time co-written withJune Jo Lee. Jackie writes the flavorful essence of the artist in an irresistible recipe of words.…more
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If You Were the Moon

March Shorts

Oooo! Here in Minnesota, shorts in March mean chills. These books will give you chills – in a good way!Cat Goes Fiddle-I-Fee
Adapted and illustrated by Paul Galdone
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1985
(reissued in April 2017) I recognized the title immediately as I song I know well, sung as “I Had a Rooster” by Pete Seeger onBirds, Beasts, Bugs&Little Fishesin 1968.…more
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I’ve Been Enchanted

This is a rare admission from me because it’s about a book whose main characters are animals. I’ve stated before in this column that animal books have never been a favorite of mine, even as a child. Surely there are others of you out there who are too shy to admit the same thing? In my determination to read older children’s books that I haven’t read before, I’ve just finished a book that has shown me I can adore books about animals:The Hotel Catby Esther Averill, a Jenny’s Cat Club book.…more
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When Jackie Saved Grand Central

Those Kennedys

America has a fine tradition of elected officials who care deeply about the people, places, and policies of the United States of America. Two recent books highlight the good works of, and respect for, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the First Lady and President from 1961 to 1963. Although President Kennedy was assassinated just two short years into his term as President, the First Lady continued her work for the benefit of the people throughout her life.…more
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Fish Girl

Graphic Storytelling

A good graphic novel should pose a mystery. As it opens (last possible minute), the reader often has no clue what’s going on. It’s often an unknown world, even if it looks like our world. This isn’t that different than the opening of a conventional print book but, for some reason, people often react to graphic novels by telling me, “I can’t read them!…more
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Who Stole the Wizard of Oz?

The Delight of Reading Older Books

One of my favorite types of reading is to go back and read books I’ve missed from years ago. I once spent an entire summer reading books that were published in the 1950s. I had such a strong feeling of the decade after reading those books that I felt more connected to people who lived then. That feeling of connection is very satisfying to me.…more
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How Things Work

Irresistible Reading:How Things Work

Now, if thatScience Encyclopediawasn’t cool enough, here’s another sure-fire hit for kids who love to read facts, true stories, and know how things work. In fact, the book is calledHow Things Workand it’s another powerhouse from National Geographic. As the book admonishes, “PUT THIS BOOK DOWN NOW. It’s dangerous. It might make you think you can do impossible things.”…more
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Science Encyclopedia

Feeding the Naturally Curious Brain

You’ll discover mouthless worms and walking ferns … ” (pg. 13) And with those words, I’m charged up for the hunt. Along the way, I can’t help being distracted by a satisfying amount of irresistible information in National Geographic’sScience Encyclopedia. If you learn best visually, there is a surfeit of images to stimulate a curious mind. If you learn best verbally, then this book is chock full of words arranged in the most interesting ways.…more
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Before Morning

Essential Holiday Giving: Books

Hands down, there is no better gift for holidays or birthdays than a book. You can find a book to suit every interest, every taste, and your budget. You can always feel good about giving a book (unless you’re giving a gift to someone who lives in a Tiny House … ask first). Here’s my list of suggestions for the holidays. It’s filled with books that are informative, beautifully illustrated or photographed, useful, well-written, but mostly books that can be savored or cherished, with uplifting stories.…more
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Planet Kindergarten: 100 Days in Orbit

Orbiting Kindergarten

That lively, quirky-thinking duo fromPlanet Kindergartenhave teamed up once again forPlanet Kindergarten: 100 Days in Orbit. Many schools use the 100-day marker to reflect on how far they’ve come since the first day of kindergarten. Social graces, etiquette, mindfulness, assignments, singing, pledges … they’re all included in this new book. But the extra-fun twist is that our hero recounts the entire story as a trip into space aboard a starship filled with aliens and a thoughtful commander. …more
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